Unified List Manager

Sunday, February 27, 2011

About Unified List Manager

As the name suggests Unified list manager (ULM) is comprised of a series of tools which aid in list management.

Some features of ULM include the ability to sort, analyse, merge, combine, split, convert and cross reference lists to name a few. Further ULM is equipped with an array of functions to manipulate, contract, expand, replace and filter lists.

Not only is ULM able to carry out basic analysis on lists such as the length and frequency of the items in the lists and the character set of the items, but it is also able to perform complex analysis from per position Charest analysis to various patterns and it of course supports user defined character set analysis. One of the unique features is the ability to carry out relational analysis showing the occurrence of a particular character in relation to other characters both as a whole and also per position.

ULM is armed with unparallel functions to slice, truncate, filter and modify lists to meet the users' demands.

Some functions include the ability to truncate items of particular characters or at user defined positions or occurrences. Additionally, ULM has the capability to manipulate the case of the items such as converting them to lowercase, uppercase, toggling the case and even generating all possible case combinations/mutations.

The standard find and replace is included. However, ULM can also perform 1337 (leetspeak) character replacement and of course user defined single character replacements.

A strong focus on character set filtering is demonstrated by ULM which is bundled with many functions to gate particular items in a list. User defined character sets can be used, alternatively popular charsets have been hardcoded. Items can also be descriminated by length and defined barriers surrounding the items.

Other list filtering options include the ability to use a reference list, specify a mask and other character constraints. To include additional customizability regular expressions is supported.

Merge, Combine, Split, Convert
ULM is able to merge lists so the items end up one after the other or merge them so that two lists can be combined (single words can be joined to form two words). Large lists can be split into user defined number of lists or number items per list. The built-in converter can inter-convert between Mac, Win and Unix, delimiters (Cr, CrLf, Lf respectively). It also supports the use of user defined delimiters for input and output.

Plaintext list digests using the following popular algorithms can be carried out by ULM: MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2 (256), RIPEMD-160, RIPEMD-320, NTLM, and LM

ULM is striving to be an unrivaled list management tool, more importantly its free. 
So why not give it a shot?

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